The Foundation
Triple Threat Diesel officially opened in February 2012, but the foundation started long before that.
In fact, it started with Chris Arsenie. Born and raised in small town, Melfort, Saskatchewan, Chris was constantly tinkering with his toys, taking them apart, piece by piece, and – usually – putting them back together. Those interests led him to begin his mechanical training at the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST). He took his first position in Northern Alberta in 2002 while finishing his apprenticeship at Fairview College. From there, he gained experience at several well-established companies, working with as many knowledgeable and highly capable individuals.

For ten years, Chris refined his skills. Part of an always evolving industry, Chris constantly focused his attention on staying on top of the newest tools, software, techniques, and literature. He also discovered his own desire for creating a personable, customer-service experience. It was from this desire, and his own hard-working, go-getter personality, that he used to build his own company.

A little Blood, Sweat, & Tears
Triple Threat Diesel was started in 2012. What followed the opening was, quite simply, a lot of hard work. And to this day, that hard work has continued to pay off.
In 2012, our company consisted of just Chris. Over the past several years it has grown to include an expansive and impressive crew, an eight-bay shop with a full parts warehouse and team with the most technologically advanced equipment in the market. We complete work across four provinces – as well as into the northern states.
Today, we work hard to provide quality work and amazing end products, but take especial pride in our customer service. Offering the number one warranty service in the area, we’re always thinking about the best way to serve our customers and the best methods to finish our products.